Ear correction, otoplastic

Sail ears are an ear deformity that occurs when the ears protrude more. In fact, in this case, what we call the protruding ear in general, we see that the size of the ear is normal, but both the angle of the ear with the head and the ear folds are smaller than it should be.

The timing of ear correction in children is the most delicate issue for us. After school, the conspicuous ear deformity can lead to a bullying issue in children, which causes unfortunate schooling and may even become a social phobia in the future. For this reason, planning the surgery around the age of 6 when the ear development is almost complete is the best time for the child just before school starts.

Our adult female patients have been said to never have their hair tied up. However, since there is no such possibility for male patients, it would not be wrong to say that they are more likely to be affected by this problem.

Ear corrections are done in children under general anesthesia, and it is a painless operation that takes about an hour and a half in adults under local anesthesia.

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